Day 2 of the grat southern trip
This was the day that we went to Gettysburg, nice and early in the morning. We encountered an over eager historian type who told us about the park, then went on a short tour of the museum before getting out into the fields thmselves. There is something humbling and queting in walking through the fields where tns of thousand died and the fate of our nation was largely determined. We posed on top of monuments and lookd ovr the rocky outcrops to the battlefields below. After that, we decided to leave the park and make a bee-line toward Alabama, our destination for the third day of our journey.
We missed th supposed second sonic on th list, locatd in Winchester Virginia. We drove for what felt like forever before getting off the high way in the small town of Salem, Virginia. Here, we were able to find sonic, and wer greeted by a strange fellow bearing an excess of honey mustard and the nam tag that read "Fuzzy Lumpkin". This fine fellow decided to make a game of Ryans well known honey mustard infatuation, and smotherd him in an excess of the sweetest sauce. Ryan enjoyed it very much.
We then drove through what I consider to be the prettiest region we encountered in our trip, that of Western Virginia. It was rolling hills and farms, beautiful green land. It was gorgous, especcially th areas around blacksburg and christiansburg. We drove through Virginia into Tennessee, which stood in guady juxtoposition in comparison to the rural beauty that was W.Virginia. We stopped at a wafflehouse near Knoxville, and it was an experiance. Its a prerequisite to be overweight, miserable and otherwise mishapen to be employed by a wafflehouse in the Tn. Valley, if you were curious. From there we continued to Jettison southward, into rural westrn Georgia, where we found a hotel and stayed the night, watching olympic weight lifting (heavy weight women) until our eyes were weighed down into sleepy submission.
Now for today-
Slept in late, got up, mulled about. Didnt do much until my mother got home from work, when we then went to I-party for my fathers birthday, and bought im some cool stuff. She then took me out to Outback and w discussed some aspects of my life. There are so many things that only my mom knows about me. You can easily say we are extreamly close and feel no apprhension in doing so.
After that I guilted myself into working out, did alright. good military presses, but my legs were really sore so my explosivness in olympic lifting was not really there. Gotta improve that, thinking of buying some Glutamine.
Hung at the basement after that.
I am over the river that tore through the forrest earlier this summer, but the ocean of the year beggining is wide and I think I might b still stranded. I speak in illusion, but man do I miss what once was.
Rant suspended for the time being.
Quote too?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
The long return
Th southern trip was great. It was eye opening, interesting, and altogether facinating. Plus it was a lot of fun just hanging out with my friends for a few days on the road. As it is such a long excursion, I am going to b chronicalling the happning in one day at a time intervals, combined with th other events in my life and the occasional rant. So this should b interesting.
Friday morning of last week, we all meet up at the Basement at our predetermined time. Me, Jim, CP, Lane and Ryan all pack our things up, and thn hit the road. Prior to leaving, howevr, we talk about the possibl sighting of bigfoot. Turns out it was all a hoax on the news, but it made for some intersting car time banter. We blaze down th highways at alarming pacs, stopping at th occsional rest stop to re-fill our provesions and strtch our legs. W make it to gettysburg Pennsylvania at the nd of the day, and set up our tent at a local camp ground to rest for the big day tommorow, which will be documented, coincidently, tommorow.
As for today in RL, nothing to exciting. Slept in for a bit, went wimming, worked out. I went to Kennys pig roast, which was pretty cool. Its always nice to see those guys again. Anyhow, after that I went to the basement, whre I was alone for a while. Then we went to the playgound and hung out for a while. For some reaosn, I felt wicked happy there, but then I becoma fairly miserable. I'm so moody sometimes it sickens me, honestly.
Rant time:
I dont feel like talking about anything in depth right now, so I guss I'll make this quick. Love is not a hoax. I have no intentions left me anymore, and I'm ok with that, honestly. But It might be a long and lonley road.
Friday morning of last week, we all meet up at the Basement at our predetermined time. Me, Jim, CP, Lane and Ryan all pack our things up, and thn hit the road. Prior to leaving, howevr, we talk about the possibl sighting of bigfoot. Turns out it was all a hoax on the news, but it made for some intersting car time banter. We blaze down th highways at alarming pacs, stopping at th occsional rest stop to re-fill our provesions and strtch our legs. W make it to gettysburg Pennsylvania at the nd of the day, and set up our tent at a local camp ground to rest for the big day tommorow, which will be documented, coincidently, tommorow.
As for today in RL, nothing to exciting. Slept in for a bit, went wimming, worked out. I went to Kennys pig roast, which was pretty cool. Its always nice to see those guys again. Anyhow, after that I went to the basement, whre I was alone for a while. Then we went to the playgound and hung out for a while. For some reaosn, I felt wicked happy there, but then I becoma fairly miserable. I'm so moody sometimes it sickens me, honestly.
Rant time:
I dont feel like talking about anything in depth right now, so I guss I'll make this quick. Love is not a hoax. I have no intentions left me anymore, and I'm ok with that, honestly. But It might be a long and lonley road.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Life looks better from a star thats right above from where you are
This will be my last blog until at least next thursday, unless situations change and I come into contact with a computer. Today was my last day at work, and I am glad to be done with that place. I have honestly never been around more miserable people trapped in a life they dont enjoy then when I am there. The scary part is, I have a sinking feeling that Mico isint that unusual as far as work places go. But a I know I am destined for education, hopefully I'll be able to avoid all that.
I suppose that that is a bit of an anouncement, so I guess I'll make it now. I decided a few months ago that I am going to work in education, in ome capacity anyway. Probably a high school or middle school teacher, although I toy with the idea of working at a community college. Also, a big part of me wants to work in ESL in other countrys. After I graduate, I'm going to teach english in Asian for a year. Should be fun. Its nice to have ome idea of what I'm going to be doing with myself down the line I suppose. The ultimate goal, as always, is to be a writer, but as anyone who write knows, one mut write to be a writer, and I just dont write that often. I wish I did, and I easily could, but I just don;t. No explanation, just excuses. But what happens to a dream defered? I'd rather not know, and I promise you my name will be in print down th way.
Also, I am looking into getting an olympic weight lifting coach and sriously dedicating myself to the training of strength athletics. I have a lut for glory, for individual exaltation, and I will not be sated until I achave that which I apire to. Lets see how far I can take this, shall we?
LAter tonight, I watched the Olympics. It was the Female Gymnastics individual finals, and I had two heavy favorites in Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin. I find thm both very attractive, and alo athltic. Does it speak to my inherent sexism that I chose that order for the words? Maybe. Anyway, Nastia got gold and Shawn Johnson got silver, so it was definetly a success. Hopefully they will be back for more a few years down the line.
It's rant time....
Todays topic....Insomnia- Fact or Fiction, and arnt you to tired to tell anyway?
I have a lot of troubl getting to sleep a lot of the time. Most ights of the week, epccially lately, I'm lucky if I get 5 hours. Then I generally gt a two hour nap in the aftrnoon. Whil I dont think that thi qualifys me for Inomniac status, I do belive that I should be catching more Z's than I am, especcially as I considr myself a strngth athlete and les recovery time means less time to train means les progress. But I digress. Is Insomnia a real diase, or i it all in your head?
I find that the reason I cant sleep is uually an ovractive mind. I reflct on the days evnts, and soemtim major life themes and motiffs. It an odd xperiance, and even though I waste aay with little to no sleep, I end up being a bit more knowldgabl to my inner self then I was. but I'm getting off topic. Is it a real condition, or do I ust have to much going on to rest my weary mind?
Well, I alrady said I dont have insomnia, so I guess I'm not the person to ask. But I dont nccisarily belive it legit.
I need more interesting rant topics....
Quote "Me, we". Shortest commencement speach ever delivered, Mohammad Ali to th graduating clas of Harvard some random year.
Dunno when I'll be back, Love you all!
I suppose that that is a bit of an anouncement, so I guess I'll make it now. I decided a few months ago that I am going to work in education, in ome capacity anyway. Probably a high school or middle school teacher, although I toy with the idea of working at a community college. Also, a big part of me wants to work in ESL in other countrys. After I graduate, I'm going to teach english in Asian for a year. Should be fun. Its nice to have ome idea of what I'm going to be doing with myself down the line I suppose. The ultimate goal, as always, is to be a writer, but as anyone who write knows, one mut write to be a writer, and I just dont write that often. I wish I did, and I easily could, but I just don;t. No explanation, just excuses. But what happens to a dream defered? I'd rather not know, and I promise you my name will be in print down th way.
Also, I am looking into getting an olympic weight lifting coach and sriously dedicating myself to the training of strength athletics. I have a lut for glory, for individual exaltation, and I will not be sated until I achave that which I apire to. Lets see how far I can take this, shall we?
LAter tonight, I watched the Olympics. It was the Female Gymnastics individual finals, and I had two heavy favorites in Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin. I find thm both very attractive, and alo athltic. Does it speak to my inherent sexism that I chose that order for the words? Maybe. Anyway, Nastia got gold and Shawn Johnson got silver, so it was definetly a success. Hopefully they will be back for more a few years down the line.
It's rant time....
Todays topic....Insomnia- Fact or Fiction, and arnt you to tired to tell anyway?
I have a lot of troubl getting to sleep a lot of the time. Most ights of the week, epccially lately, I'm lucky if I get 5 hours. Then I generally gt a two hour nap in the aftrnoon. Whil I dont think that thi qualifys me for Inomniac status, I do belive that I should be catching more Z's than I am, especcially as I considr myself a strngth athlete and les recovery time means less time to train means les progress. But I digress. Is Insomnia a real diase, or i it all in your head?
I find that the reason I cant sleep is uually an ovractive mind. I reflct on the days evnts, and soemtim major life themes and motiffs. It an odd xperiance, and even though I waste aay with little to no sleep, I end up being a bit more knowldgabl to my inner self then I was. but I'm getting off topic. Is it a real condition, or do I ust have to much going on to rest my weary mind?
Well, I alrady said I dont have insomnia, so I guess I'm not the person to ask. But I dont nccisarily belive it legit.
I need more interesting rant topics....
Quote "Me, we". Shortest commencement speach ever delivered, Mohammad Ali to th graduating clas of Harvard some random year.
Dunno when I'll be back, Love you all!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
What is up with me?
I get o moody, and nothing triggers it. I really dont undertand it. I can go from having a blast to being bummed out in the blink of an eye. I wonder if everyone i thi way? Today wa ok, worked, came home, took a short nap then went to the movies. Hung out with some new people, and I'm sure I'll be getting to know them better as time goes on. Anyway, I have a headache and I'm a bit overtired, but the blog must go on. So here goes nothing.
Sometimes Irish muic really relaxes me. Othertimes I think that its not even really Irih muic that I like, but rather Americanized irish muic. Which bring me to todays rant. National Allegiance: tribute to who you are or standing on a pedestal made of race?
I was born in Winchester, Massachusetts, which conincidently i also one of my least favorite places in the world. But that not the point. Being born on American soil, I am 100% American. I have actually never left the country, and only once have been across the Mississippi river. So I'm very much born and raied in America. However, when people ask my nationality, I have never said 100% American. I identify most strongly with my Irish and German roots, although apparently I have a good deal of English blood in my veins as well. (My family hail from Coventry, if you were at all curious). Is this right?
Well, I have never been to Ireland or Germany. Neither have my parents. If you go back far enough, someone has, but i have almost nothing in common with that person culterally. Be like me and a true german having lunch together proba bly. Having never left America, how can i claim any allegiance to any other nation? In reality, I'm American, and nothing else. But why is that so....boring.
I am probably les bored then most, as I love American lore and history. But still, comparitivly, it much les interesting then the complex and ever chngn hitories or thoe other nations. Theres something empowering about having come from knights and lords, as opposed to shoe shiners from long island and salesman from des moines.
Anyway, im to tired or this right now. More tommorow, then none for a bit.
Sometimes Irish muic really relaxes me. Othertimes I think that its not even really Irih muic that I like, but rather Americanized irish muic. Which bring me to todays rant. National Allegiance: tribute to who you are or standing on a pedestal made of race?
I was born in Winchester, Massachusetts, which conincidently i also one of my least favorite places in the world. But that not the point. Being born on American soil, I am 100% American. I have actually never left the country, and only once have been across the Mississippi river. So I'm very much born and raied in America. However, when people ask my nationality, I have never said 100% American. I identify most strongly with my Irish and German roots, although apparently I have a good deal of English blood in my veins as well. (My family hail from Coventry, if you were at all curious). Is this right?
Well, I have never been to Ireland or Germany. Neither have my parents. If you go back far enough, someone has, but i have almost nothing in common with that person culterally. Be like me and a true german having lunch together proba bly. Having never left America, how can i claim any allegiance to any other nation? In reality, I'm American, and nothing else. But why is that so....boring.
I am probably les bored then most, as I love American lore and history. But still, comparitivly, it much les interesting then the complex and ever chngn hitories or thoe other nations. Theres something empowering about having come from knights and lords, as opposed to shoe shiners from long island and salesman from des moines.
Anyway, im to tired or this right now. More tommorow, then none for a bit.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
On today, nd my key is stuck!
Hello readers. Hope all is well with you. Tody was exhusting. I barely slept at all last night, so for the first thrid of the day I was quite the zombie. I hate not being well rested, but I made it through the day and slept like a baby this afternoon. Workout went well, but I did not have the fire like I should. Next time, I hope.
Onto the rant! (Ps: I promise these will get lot better once I go back to school, as my life will probbly be more exciting and ill lso have no time constraints in which to write. I'll probably feture some new aspects to it, different parts. Should be fun!)
Rant: Naturalism, and finding wonder in the strangest and most normal places.
I was wlking over to the basement tody, and I saw meteor. It streaked acrss the sky in blaze of white light, and then it was gone back into the drkness of the night. I then remembered tht tody was the lst day that the persids, or the Tears of Saint Lawrence, were supposed to be visable. So I thought about it, and had my head cocked u to the sky for the rest of the walk to the door. It blew me way. Here I was, thinking about my workout and what I need to improve upon, and a huge rock burns up in the atmpsphere above me, leaving a trail of light. It was like a miracle. It made me really appriciate the wonders of the world, the under bellys of leafs and the strange swarm ming of ant colonies. The world is a mystery, and when I see things like that it makes me think about how it would be hard for everything to have just happened. Surely something must have designed something as complex as the human body. But Evolution makes sense to, and perhaps the designer is just trial and error, what works and what doesent. but maybe its not. No way to tell. I'd argue that the fact that science exists at all, that there are a set of rules and principals to which everything in existnce is goverened, is more evidence of a designer then any biological feat. How coincidental is that that everything happens to make sense? Obviously something is going on here. God or no god, and I dont believe he is neccisarily benevolant if he exists, the world is still a marvoulous place filled with stuff that routinely blows my mind on the daily. For all the bad inside of it, theres a lot of interesting shizzle.
"All good things are wild, and free"- Henry David Therou
Onto the rant! (Ps: I promise these will get lot better once I go back to school, as my life will probbly be more exciting and ill lso have no time constraints in which to write. I'll probably feture some new aspects to it, different parts. Should be fun!)
Rant: Naturalism, and finding wonder in the strangest and most normal places.
I was wlking over to the basement tody, and I saw meteor. It streaked acrss the sky in blaze of white light, and then it was gone back into the drkness of the night. I then remembered tht tody was the lst day that the persids, or the Tears of Saint Lawrence, were supposed to be visable. So I thought about it, and had my head cocked u to the sky for the rest of the walk to the door. It blew me way. Here I was, thinking about my workout and what I need to improve upon, and a huge rock burns up in the atmpsphere above me, leaving a trail of light. It was like a miracle. It made me really appriciate the wonders of the world, the under bellys of leafs and the strange swarm ming of ant colonies. The world is a mystery, and when I see things like that it makes me think about how it would be hard for everything to have just happened. Surely something must have designed something as complex as the human body. But Evolution makes sense to, and perhaps the designer is just trial and error, what works and what doesent. but maybe its not. No way to tell. I'd argue that the fact that science exists at all, that there are a set of rules and principals to which everything in existnce is goverened, is more evidence of a designer then any biological feat. How coincidental is that that everything happens to make sense? Obviously something is going on here. God or no god, and I dont believe he is neccisarily benevolant if he exists, the world is still a marvoulous place filled with stuff that routinely blows my mind on the daily. For all the bad inside of it, theres a lot of interesting shizzle.
"All good things are wild, and free"- Henry David Therou
Monday, August 11, 2008
Against my better judgement
Against my better judgement, I am still awake and have decided to blog. So here goes.
Today was average. Work went fast, followed by a quick nap, the a great workout session. hung at the basement afterwards. Thats about it. I'll speed up and go to the rant.
Rant: Diary of Anne Frank
This book is powerful. There is no debate about this. I am reading the diary of a young girl who lived through, and eventually died under, one of the worst situations in all of modern history. Its incredible. It just makes the entire dark situation seem all the more real and human to me, to read the thoughts and desires of this girl not so unlike myself. I remember being her age and thinking so many similar thoughts. I have actually grown a bit of an affection for Anne Frank. Shes a great protagonist and its incredible to glimpse through her eyes at a world I can hardly fathom, let alone understand. And she makes it all the realer, and thus more crushingly sad, along the way.
There are some people in this worl who think the book is fake, writte by Otto Frank, her father, as a way of validating the supposedly "False" holocaust. This is ridiculous, and holocaus deniers must seriously be drinking some strong koolaid. For gods sake, ther are phtographs and body counts. There are many many people still alive today who lived through it all, and saw the five chimineys of Auschwitz with their own eyes, who tasted typhus at Bergen and generally were treated as animals or a time. Its revolting to me to deny such a thing. Thie argument is that she writes at a level that the typical 13-15 year old girl in this time period would not be capable of. I think a better argument would be to deny the holocaust ever happened because it contradicts so many basic human truths, and leaves me absoulutly faithless in humanity. Theres no way something so grotesque, so disturbing and all encompassing that even still it evades my comprehension could have happend. Except it definetly did. so is it so unbelivable that a 14 year old girl could have cptured the actions of these monsters in an eloquent manner? I'll leave you to decide.
The attitude she has throughout the book is unbelivable. I dont know that I know anyone today who could see something beautiful in that type of darkness. Anne Frank, rest in peace. You are a beautiful person, and honestly, your diary is a testament, a shining hope for man kind. If a young girl can love and hope and wonder in times as dark as Holland, 1945, then maybe theres something worthwhile out there after all.
In the immortal words of Anne Frank- "Despite everything, I truly believe that people are really good at heart"
Tommorows post- A recap of a mindless day, followed by a discussion about birds. Or anything else.
Today was average. Work went fast, followed by a quick nap, the a great workout session. hung at the basement afterwards. Thats about it. I'll speed up and go to the rant.
Rant: Diary of Anne Frank
This book is powerful. There is no debate about this. I am reading the diary of a young girl who lived through, and eventually died under, one of the worst situations in all of modern history. Its incredible. It just makes the entire dark situation seem all the more real and human to me, to read the thoughts and desires of this girl not so unlike myself. I remember being her age and thinking so many similar thoughts. I have actually grown a bit of an affection for Anne Frank. Shes a great protagonist and its incredible to glimpse through her eyes at a world I can hardly fathom, let alone understand. And she makes it all the realer, and thus more crushingly sad, along the way.
There are some people in this worl who think the book is fake, writte by Otto Frank, her father, as a way of validating the supposedly "False" holocaust. This is ridiculous, and holocaus deniers must seriously be drinking some strong koolaid. For gods sake, ther are phtographs and body counts. There are many many people still alive today who lived through it all, and saw the five chimineys of Auschwitz with their own eyes, who tasted typhus at Bergen and generally were treated as animals or a time. Its revolting to me to deny such a thing. Thie argument is that she writes at a level that the typical 13-15 year old girl in this time period would not be capable of. I think a better argument would be to deny the holocaust ever happened because it contradicts so many basic human truths, and leaves me absoulutly faithless in humanity. Theres no way something so grotesque, so disturbing and all encompassing that even still it evades my comprehension could have happend. Except it definetly did. so is it so unbelivable that a 14 year old girl could have cptured the actions of these monsters in an eloquent manner? I'll leave you to decide.
The attitude she has throughout the book is unbelivable. I dont know that I know anyone today who could see something beautiful in that type of darkness. Anne Frank, rest in peace. You are a beautiful person, and honestly, your diary is a testament, a shining hope for man kind. If a young girl can love and hope and wonder in times as dark as Holland, 1945, then maybe theres something worthwhile out there after all.
In the immortal words of Anne Frank- "Despite everything, I truly believe that people are really good at heart"
Tommorows post- A recap of a mindless day, followed by a discussion about birds. Or anything else.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Its been a while
Its been a few days since I last blogged and honestly I have no excuse for it. Just been taking it easy I guess. I'm gonna try to blog extensivly this week as I'll be going on a roadtrip pretty soon and wont have internet access for the most part. Anyway, here we go.
Today I didnt do much. Slept in pretty late, got up and felt very sore. I had a pretty good workout yesterday doing the olympic lifts. The Snatch is one of my new favorites, I think I'm gonna start training those more often and hopeully compete sometime soon. It was a lot of fun. Anyway, I woke up this morning and generally did nothing for a few hours. Then me, Jaclyn, Crescenzo, Ed and Clark went to see Pineapple Express. It was alright, but I dont think it lived up to the hype. Then I came home and ate dinner, rediscovered the show freaks and geeks and watched that for a while, then went to the basement. Lane and I mapped out the Great southern Trip, or the most part, and I'm feeling a lot better about it overall now.
I have no idea what I want to blog about.
This could be a problem
I guess I'm going to blog about something really random. I'm actually going to go to Wikipedia, hit the random article thing, and use that for inspiration.
IQ tests
I dont know how much faith I put in these tests. They seem sort of arbitrary, and not an indicator of real world success. I have always done pretty well on them, and I dont think I'm any better off for having done so. honestly, I think Emotional intelligence, like how you relate to people and empthize, is much more important. Still, I think IQ tests, if anything, are indicitive of someones potential to learn something. to pick up on something quickly. All these child genius types do very well, and gifted societies use them as a cut off for their programs. So who knows, maybe a test can tell me if I have it in my to be a genius. The real task, dear readers, is turning the key and activating it. Tapping into your potential. So many smart people let countless oppertunites rush by them by becasuse they are to lazy, or perhaps afraid, to accept a real challenge when it comes a'knockin. No more of that. Conquest. Take the world, if your capable.
"Many people let oppertunity pass them by because its wearing overalls and dressing up like hard work"
Today I didnt do much. Slept in pretty late, got up and felt very sore. I had a pretty good workout yesterday doing the olympic lifts. The Snatch is one of my new favorites, I think I'm gonna start training those more often and hopeully compete sometime soon. It was a lot of fun. Anyway, I woke up this morning and generally did nothing for a few hours. Then me, Jaclyn, Crescenzo, Ed and Clark went to see Pineapple Express. It was alright, but I dont think it lived up to the hype. Then I came home and ate dinner, rediscovered the show freaks and geeks and watched that for a while, then went to the basement. Lane and I mapped out the Great southern Trip, or the most part, and I'm feeling a lot better about it overall now.
I have no idea what I want to blog about.
This could be a problem
I guess I'm going to blog about something really random. I'm actually going to go to Wikipedia, hit the random article thing, and use that for inspiration.
IQ tests
I dont know how much faith I put in these tests. They seem sort of arbitrary, and not an indicator of real world success. I have always done pretty well on them, and I dont think I'm any better off for having done so. honestly, I think Emotional intelligence, like how you relate to people and empthize, is much more important. Still, I think IQ tests, if anything, are indicitive of someones potential to learn something. to pick up on something quickly. All these child genius types do very well, and gifted societies use them as a cut off for their programs. So who knows, maybe a test can tell me if I have it in my to be a genius. The real task, dear readers, is turning the key and activating it. Tapping into your potential. So many smart people let countless oppertunites rush by them by becasuse they are to lazy, or perhaps afraid, to accept a real challenge when it comes a'knockin. No more of that. Conquest. Take the world, if your capable.
"Many people let oppertunity pass them by because its wearing overalls and dressing up like hard work"
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
An attempt at something worthwhile
Hey everyone, its me. My day was so uneventful that its not even really worth recounting. Work, sleep, workout, home for chilling. Pretty base. Anyway, I was jsut watching two-a-days, that show that documents hoover high schools football program, and it made me want to play football so badly. I really wish I had played back in high school. but I can't, and really I shoulf have, but now ill just focus everything I have into powerlifting and lightweight strongman stuff, until I find something better. Anyhow, I promised a longer rant about Obesity, one of my favorite topics (So beloved that I even capitalize it, giving it proper noun status). So, lets get to it!
Obesity- An epidemic of Sloth!
Why are Americans- Indeed, the world- getting so fat? Why has the obesity rate become such a shocking statistic and terrifiying dynamic since the 70's? The simple answer, of course, is high fructose corn syrup. But there is obviusly a lot more to the situation then that. There is an entire culture that is based around food, a gross little sub clique of nerds and stangefolk who yummy on down on all manner of sweets, not thinking about what they are doing to their bodies. This is undermining the success of the human bodys potential, as its trapped in a world of fat and slowly destoryed in a manner it was never meant to have the luxery to afford. Anyway, I'm of the opinion that stressful lives and a general lessoning of emphisis on the importantance of the body as compared to the mind in contempary society is largely responsable. When the physical is thought of as dirty and beneth the mental, then its only natural for people to stay within one and never develope the other. Honestly, it disgusts me when I see huge fat people, but it also evokes pity. Have you lost so much control of yourself that you allow your body to become a grotesque monster, all while you have complete control over it? No one is making you eat. I understand there are emotional eaters and other people like that, but seriously, take some control of your life and look in the mirror. Like what you see? If not, change it. Its really as simple as that. I'm probably addicted to wrking out, but even so, there is no excuse to be anymore then 15% body fat if you your a male. Ever. In my humble opinion, at least. And these behemoths that are staggering around, this ridiculous notion of fat culture and fat rights? I don't care if your happy the way you are. First of all, that probably a crutch, and rightly so as the crushing weight of your revolting body prohibits you from normal movement. Secondly, you wont be happy for long when your body turns against you. Please, for the love of god, have some responsability, both intellectually and physically, and take control of yourself. I laugh at people who put all their pride into their job or their car or perhaps some odd type of knowledge, but let their body- WHERE THEY FUCKING LIVE--disintigate around them. I guess ultimatly its your call, and theres so much more to be said on this that im going to continue it tommorow!
No quote today.
Obesity- An epidemic of Sloth!
Why are Americans- Indeed, the world- getting so fat? Why has the obesity rate become such a shocking statistic and terrifiying dynamic since the 70's? The simple answer, of course, is high fructose corn syrup. But there is obviusly a lot more to the situation then that. There is an entire culture that is based around food, a gross little sub clique of nerds and stangefolk who yummy on down on all manner of sweets, not thinking about what they are doing to their bodies. This is undermining the success of the human bodys potential, as its trapped in a world of fat and slowly destoryed in a manner it was never meant to have the luxery to afford. Anyway, I'm of the opinion that stressful lives and a general lessoning of emphisis on the importantance of the body as compared to the mind in contempary society is largely responsable. When the physical is thought of as dirty and beneth the mental, then its only natural for people to stay within one and never develope the other. Honestly, it disgusts me when I see huge fat people, but it also evokes pity. Have you lost so much control of yourself that you allow your body to become a grotesque monster, all while you have complete control over it? No one is making you eat. I understand there are emotional eaters and other people like that, but seriously, take some control of your life and look in the mirror. Like what you see? If not, change it. Its really as simple as that. I'm probably addicted to wrking out, but even so, there is no excuse to be anymore then 15% body fat if you your a male. Ever. In my humble opinion, at least. And these behemoths that are staggering around, this ridiculous notion of fat culture and fat rights? I don't care if your happy the way you are. First of all, that probably a crutch, and rightly so as the crushing weight of your revolting body prohibits you from normal movement. Secondly, you wont be happy for long when your body turns against you. Please, for the love of god, have some responsability, both intellectually and physically, and take control of yourself. I laugh at people who put all their pride into their job or their car or perhaps some odd type of knowledge, but let their body- WHERE THEY FUCKING LIVE--disintigate around them. I guess ultimatly its your call, and theres so much more to be said on this that im going to continue it tommorow!
No quote today.
Monday, August 4, 2008
On today- feeling lazy, not gonna be long.
Hey. I dont really feel like writing much tonight, so I'm just going to sumerize the day as quickly as possible and skip the rant until tommorow, when I will use a mega rant. I will even preview it today- Obesity!!! Anyway, today I went to work as usual, but for whatever reason the day flew by. I went to th dentist at 1:30, no cavities. After that my mom forced me tog et a blood test, and I got really upset but managed to get through it. I'm a HUGE baby when it comes to needles. Went home, took a nap, ate dinner and embarked on my new lifitng plan, which I like so far.
Thats it for today.
Thats it for today.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Why is my head all bloody? And other fun memories of the weekend.
Hey readers. Its me again, your love able narrator of his own life, DH. Hope all of you are doing well, and if not I guess thats something you might want to work on. Honestly, fix yourself! No more tears, understood?
Anyway, as I detailed Thursday evening I was going on a camping trip from Friday to Sunday. All things seemed to be going alright when I woke up Friday morning, But I was unable to make it to Melrose to enjoy the Prince Pizza buffet I had been so looking forward to all week. Regardless, I soldiered on and just hung around until 1:30, when Jaclyn showed up. We proceeded to hang around and watch TV until about 2:15, at which point we drove over to Crescenzo's house, picked him up and began the long journey to North Conway. Crescenzo had not slept in a few days, so this led to many hilarious statements, mostly directed toward the quality of the trip and Jaclyn. She was probably getting a little upset about it, but honestly it was all in good fun. So were burning down the highway skyline into New Hampshire, past the cities of the state and into the great wild beyond. It was a long but enjoyable ride, and once you pass a certain point i NH, it really starts to get more primal and wild. I, for one, really love that. Its sort of like leaving the big lights of the city behind and going into the unknown for me, as I have always sort of felt like a country boy trapped in the world of a city kid.
We arrived at the camp ground after stopping at a 7-11/subway combo type deal in Conway to get some gas and some food. We tricked the clerks into thinking we were from Mexico, on a long long trip. If anyone has ever seen me, Jaclyn and crescenzo, its pretty obvious that we are not MExican, so I don't know how effective our plan was. I bought a delicious submarine sandwich, which I shared with JAclyn and she proceeded to spill all over herself. The mustard, that is. Another funny moment.
So we get to the camp ground and set up camp, and proceed to just sort of hang out for the night. We cook all sorts of food next to the campfire, and hang out with our fellow campers, Ryan, Jim, Mark, Pereira, Lauren, Mac Katelyn and Lane. We played this wacky and out of control sentence structure game. I know, wild kids, right? We all retired to our tents early, and tried to sleep. I found ti difficult as me and Mac were in rather close quarters, but we managed.
We were all pretty much awake by 7 in the morning, with some of us getting up much earlier. Breakfast was delicious marshmellows, pop tarts, hotdogs and other essential camping items. We filled our eager bellies and then set about to go to the river. Me, Ryan, Jim, Mark, Lauren and Katelyn all walked down there, intent on playing in the frigid waters of the north and perhaps getting sunburnt. It turned out to be a lot more interesting then that.
Ryan went down this "river slide", which is sort of like a waterslide over some rocks and along the currents way, up to this large rock that your supposed to grab onto. Me being the brave soul that I am followed him in this adventure, sliding amiably down the river, all smiles and joy. However, as I approached the big rock, I found I was out of range for it. I reached for it but couldent get it, and then Reached for Ryan, and couldent get him either. Next to these rocks, there were two small water falls on either side, about 5-6 feet drop. In my struggle to reach for the rock/Ryan, I had turned my self around, so I was facing the Waterfall. Head first. With nothing to grab onto. Mhm.
I went over the falls, clenched my chin to my body and just focused on surviving. There was a sharp pain on my head, the the churning and crushing pressure of the water above, then the peace of escaping the wake of the falls. I came to the surface, feeling alright if a bit dizzy, and made my way to a small rock wall to climb back over. My head started to really hurt, so I brought my hand up and felt my face. Blood. My hand was soaked in blood. I made my way to the top of the rock and looked at Ryan, and despite what he may say he was horrified to look back at me. apparently the entire right side of My face was covered in blood, and a deep cut had opened itself on the upper right hand side of my head, right next to my hairline. The blood was still dripping steadily down me, feeling my mouth and marking my chest. I was somewhat trapped on the rock edifice, and was unable to get over. I was losing blood steadily, and began to feel light headed and a little dizzy. After a considerable amount of exploring, I maneged to get over the river and back to the other side with my friends. People were staring at me as I made my way to find the nonexistent first aid center at this river. Luckily for me, there was a male nurse who was able to put some healing salves on it and badage it. Jim ran to the camp and crescnzo returned with jaclyns car, and Me, he, jaclyn and Mark made our way to the hospital.
2 hours, 8 stiches 1 very cute intern and a truly epic civil war stlye head wrap later, I left the hospital. They had told me expressly to keep the headwrap clean and dry, so camping was not looking like a very solid option. We hung around the camp for a few hours, taking lots of photos and just generally having a solid hang. I sensed heavy rains coming (perhaps the trauma has given me some sort of unbelievable super power) so Jaclyn, Crescenzo and I all hit the road. It was a long and dangerous ride home, through some of the most torrential rain and awe ispiring lightning storms I have ever witnessed. Eventually we arrived, and I took it easy, eating some yummy lasagna and cleaning myself off a bit. I eventually went over to the basement and played video game football with Pat. After that we watched this anime called Deathnote. it was pretty cool.
So, hows that for an action packed August 2nd? I'm going to finish my discussion from last blog, then start a new rant for this one now.
Rant continued: Country Music-- Ridiculous American ideology and self perception!
Alright, so I had talked about "America's music" country music previously in my last post. I talked about how its really generic and just like pop but marketed toward poor white people from the country. and it does very well for itself, thank you very much! It has a very powerful listener base and the top country music stars are among the nations most highly paid entertainers. There is nothing wrong with this so long as people are entertained by it, but really its more of a statement on how base the public standards for entertainment are. If songs about drinkin' yo self silly and burning down Georgia are enough to get you through the day, then thats fine for you, but shouldent be fine for everyone. People should hold themselves up to higher standards the that, I think so at least. Anyway, I'm getting off topic, so let me return to what I really want to say.
Country music, and those who listen to it, are something of an embarrassment to me. I don't mean any of you any personal affront, but honestly, do you believe what your music is teaching you? The hyper patriotism is ridiculous. Do you honestly and truly believe that your nation is always correct and infallible? Do you think that everything America does is for the best of its people, and the world as well? Let me explain exactly what I mean by all of this. The songs often have something of a glorification of the military engine, talking about how America is going to punish its enemies and continue to be the eagle on the perch over the world, soaking in the light from the sky and patrolling the of the place. In this hyper patriotic fervor (And by no means do I mean to say that country music is the sole party responsible for this type of thing. This whole complex is a major problem, but it is most readily made into a musical form in Country music) we became hyper ignorant, retreating into the turtle shell of Americana and forgetting that we are just one flavor in the soup of the world. We turn a blind eye to other cultures and focus only on our own, and through that our world view and narrowed into tiny slits, letting none of the glow of humanity in and only letting us see things from one perspective: our own. I suppose the song that states that "We will put a boot in your ass, its the American way" is correct in actuality. America's way, as articulated in recent history and through country music, is more of a rough and tumble attack first ask questions later attitude then it should be. Were more of a bar room brawler type then a diplomat willing to work things out. this philosophy concerning the rest of the world is damning to how we are viewed by our contemporaries. America is the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world, and is capable of doing a lot of good. A lot more then it realizes, or perhaps not, perhaps just more then its willing to commit to. By no means do I think we need to police the evil out of the world, as such a task needs to be shouldered equally by all the peoples of the world. but at the very least, realize there is more out there then just AMerica, we are not the end all be all. The world is, and we are but a people within it.
That rant went for a lot longer then expected. I guess I'll attempt my next one, but no promises as im a bit burnt out from all that above.
Rant: Fashion/Style- The mythology of modern day life?
I don't believe in fashion. There, its said. I don't understand it, I dont know how it works, and I am not in the least bit interested. How does one style of dressing go in and out of style? Ad how does a style of dressing develop? Is here some closed off office somewhere with a bunch of guys in suits and dark glasses sitting around, discussing diabolical ways to get their brands into power? Is it purely a farce used to make money, to trick people into buying things they dont need in order to become more accepted by their peers? Seems like it to me. Its not even a question of need, its just a question of have in order to appease. Anyone who knows me knows I dress pretty blandly, jeans and a t-shirt, usually white. Thats about it. I don't understand the need for much more. I dunno, if someone wants to educate me, feel free.
Quote of the day!!!
"It's a funny thing, luck. Seems the harder I work, the luckier I become"- Benjamin Franklin.
Till next time,
Anyway, as I detailed Thursday evening I was going on a camping trip from Friday to Sunday. All things seemed to be going alright when I woke up Friday morning, But I was unable to make it to Melrose to enjoy the Prince Pizza buffet I had been so looking forward to all week. Regardless, I soldiered on and just hung around until 1:30, when Jaclyn showed up. We proceeded to hang around and watch TV until about 2:15, at which point we drove over to Crescenzo's house, picked him up and began the long journey to North Conway. Crescenzo had not slept in a few days, so this led to many hilarious statements, mostly directed toward the quality of the trip and Jaclyn. She was probably getting a little upset about it, but honestly it was all in good fun. So were burning down the highway skyline into New Hampshire, past the cities of the state and into the great wild beyond. It was a long but enjoyable ride, and once you pass a certain point i NH, it really starts to get more primal and wild. I, for one, really love that. Its sort of like leaving the big lights of the city behind and going into the unknown for me, as I have always sort of felt like a country boy trapped in the world of a city kid.
We arrived at the camp ground after stopping at a 7-11/subway combo type deal in Conway to get some gas and some food. We tricked the clerks into thinking we were from Mexico, on a long long trip. If anyone has ever seen me, Jaclyn and crescenzo, its pretty obvious that we are not MExican, so I don't know how effective our plan was. I bought a delicious submarine sandwich, which I shared with JAclyn and she proceeded to spill all over herself. The mustard, that is. Another funny moment.
So we get to the camp ground and set up camp, and proceed to just sort of hang out for the night. We cook all sorts of food next to the campfire, and hang out with our fellow campers, Ryan, Jim, Mark, Pereira, Lauren, Mac Katelyn and Lane. We played this wacky and out of control sentence structure game. I know, wild kids, right? We all retired to our tents early, and tried to sleep. I found ti difficult as me and Mac were in rather close quarters, but we managed.
We were all pretty much awake by 7 in the morning, with some of us getting up much earlier. Breakfast was delicious marshmellows, pop tarts, hotdogs and other essential camping items. We filled our eager bellies and then set about to go to the river. Me, Ryan, Jim, Mark, Lauren and Katelyn all walked down there, intent on playing in the frigid waters of the north and perhaps getting sunburnt. It turned out to be a lot more interesting then that.
Ryan went down this "river slide", which is sort of like a waterslide over some rocks and along the currents way, up to this large rock that your supposed to grab onto. Me being the brave soul that I am followed him in this adventure, sliding amiably down the river, all smiles and joy. However, as I approached the big rock, I found I was out of range for it. I reached for it but couldent get it, and then Reached for Ryan, and couldent get him either. Next to these rocks, there were two small water falls on either side, about 5-6 feet drop. In my struggle to reach for the rock/Ryan, I had turned my self around, so I was facing the Waterfall. Head first. With nothing to grab onto. Mhm.
I went over the falls, clenched my chin to my body and just focused on surviving. There was a sharp pain on my head, the the churning and crushing pressure of the water above, then the peace of escaping the wake of the falls. I came to the surface, feeling alright if a bit dizzy, and made my way to a small rock wall to climb back over. My head started to really hurt, so I brought my hand up and felt my face. Blood. My hand was soaked in blood. I made my way to the top of the rock and looked at Ryan, and despite what he may say he was horrified to look back at me. apparently the entire right side of My face was covered in blood, and a deep cut had opened itself on the upper right hand side of my head, right next to my hairline. The blood was still dripping steadily down me, feeling my mouth and marking my chest. I was somewhat trapped on the rock edifice, and was unable to get over. I was losing blood steadily, and began to feel light headed and a little dizzy. After a considerable amount of exploring, I maneged to get over the river and back to the other side with my friends. People were staring at me as I made my way to find the nonexistent first aid center at this river. Luckily for me, there was a male nurse who was able to put some healing salves on it and badage it. Jim ran to the camp and crescnzo returned with jaclyns car, and Me, he, jaclyn and Mark made our way to the hospital.
2 hours, 8 stiches 1 very cute intern and a truly epic civil war stlye head wrap later, I left the hospital. They had told me expressly to keep the headwrap clean and dry, so camping was not looking like a very solid option. We hung around the camp for a few hours, taking lots of photos and just generally having a solid hang. I sensed heavy rains coming (perhaps the trauma has given me some sort of unbelievable super power) so Jaclyn, Crescenzo and I all hit the road. It was a long and dangerous ride home, through some of the most torrential rain and awe ispiring lightning storms I have ever witnessed. Eventually we arrived, and I took it easy, eating some yummy lasagna and cleaning myself off a bit. I eventually went over to the basement and played video game football with Pat. After that we watched this anime called Deathnote. it was pretty cool.
So, hows that for an action packed August 2nd? I'm going to finish my discussion from last blog, then start a new rant for this one now.
Rant continued: Country Music-- Ridiculous American ideology and self perception!
Alright, so I had talked about "America's music" country music previously in my last post. I talked about how its really generic and just like pop but marketed toward poor white people from the country. and it does very well for itself, thank you very much! It has a very powerful listener base and the top country music stars are among the nations most highly paid entertainers. There is nothing wrong with this so long as people are entertained by it, but really its more of a statement on how base the public standards for entertainment are. If songs about drinkin' yo self silly and burning down Georgia are enough to get you through the day, then thats fine for you, but shouldent be fine for everyone. People should hold themselves up to higher standards the that, I think so at least. Anyway, I'm getting off topic, so let me return to what I really want to say.
Country music, and those who listen to it, are something of an embarrassment to me. I don't mean any of you any personal affront, but honestly, do you believe what your music is teaching you? The hyper patriotism is ridiculous. Do you honestly and truly believe that your nation is always correct and infallible? Do you think that everything America does is for the best of its people, and the world as well? Let me explain exactly what I mean by all of this. The songs often have something of a glorification of the military engine, talking about how America is going to punish its enemies and continue to be the eagle on the perch over the world, soaking in the light from the sky and patrolling the of the place. In this hyper patriotic fervor (And by no means do I mean to say that country music is the sole party responsible for this type of thing. This whole complex is a major problem, but it is most readily made into a musical form in Country music) we became hyper ignorant, retreating into the turtle shell of Americana and forgetting that we are just one flavor in the soup of the world. We turn a blind eye to other cultures and focus only on our own, and through that our world view and narrowed into tiny slits, letting none of the glow of humanity in and only letting us see things from one perspective: our own. I suppose the song that states that "We will put a boot in your ass, its the American way" is correct in actuality. America's way, as articulated in recent history and through country music, is more of a rough and tumble attack first ask questions later attitude then it should be. Were more of a bar room brawler type then a diplomat willing to work things out. this philosophy concerning the rest of the world is damning to how we are viewed by our contemporaries. America is the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world, and is capable of doing a lot of good. A lot more then it realizes, or perhaps not, perhaps just more then its willing to commit to. By no means do I think we need to police the evil out of the world, as such a task needs to be shouldered equally by all the peoples of the world. but at the very least, realize there is more out there then just AMerica, we are not the end all be all. The world is, and we are but a people within it.
That rant went for a lot longer then expected. I guess I'll attempt my next one, but no promises as im a bit burnt out from all that above.
Rant: Fashion/Style- The mythology of modern day life?
I don't believe in fashion. There, its said. I don't understand it, I dont know how it works, and I am not in the least bit interested. How does one style of dressing go in and out of style? Ad how does a style of dressing develop? Is here some closed off office somewhere with a bunch of guys in suits and dark glasses sitting around, discussing diabolical ways to get their brands into power? Is it purely a farce used to make money, to trick people into buying things they dont need in order to become more accepted by their peers? Seems like it to me. Its not even a question of need, its just a question of have in order to appease. Anyone who knows me knows I dress pretty blandly, jeans and a t-shirt, usually white. Thats about it. I don't understand the need for much more. I dunno, if someone wants to educate me, feel free.
Quote of the day!!!
"It's a funny thing, luck. Seems the harder I work, the luckier I become"- Benjamin Franklin.
Till next time,
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