Friday, August 22, 2008

The long return

Th southern trip was great. It was eye opening, interesting, and altogether facinating. Plus it was a lot of fun just hanging out with my friends for a few days on the road. As it is such a long excursion, I am going to b chronicalling the happning in one day at a time intervals, combined with th other events in my life and the occasional rant. So this should b interesting.

Friday morning of last week, we all meet up at the Basement at our predetermined time. Me, Jim, CP, Lane and Ryan all pack our things up, and thn hit the road. Prior to leaving, howevr, we talk about the possibl sighting of bigfoot. Turns out it was all a hoax on the news, but it made for some intersting car time banter. We blaze down th highways at alarming pacs, stopping at th occsional rest stop to re-fill our provesions and strtch our legs. W make it to gettysburg Pennsylvania at the nd of the day, and set up our tent at a local camp ground to rest for the big day tommorow, which will be documented, coincidently, tommorow.

As for today in RL, nothing to exciting. Slept in for a bit, went wimming, worked out. I went to Kennys pig roast, which was pretty cool. Its always nice to see those guys again. Anyhow, after that I went to the basement, whre I was alone for a while. Then we went to the playgound and hung out for a while. For some reaosn, I felt wicked happy there, but then I becoma fairly miserable. I'm so moody sometimes it sickens me, honestly.

Rant time:

I dont feel like talking about anything in depth right now, so I guss I'll make this quick. Love is not a hoax. I have no intentions left me anymore, and I'm ok with that, honestly. But It might be a long and lonley road.

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