Monday, August 11, 2008

Against my better judgement

Against my better judgement, I am still awake and have decided to blog. So here goes.

Today was average. Work went fast, followed by a quick nap, the a great workout session. hung at the basement afterwards. Thats about it. I'll speed up and go to the rant.

Rant: Diary of Anne Frank

This book is powerful. There is no debate about this. I am reading the diary of a young girl who lived through, and eventually died under, one of the worst situations in all of modern history. Its incredible. It just makes the entire dark situation seem all the more real and human to me, to read the thoughts and desires of this girl not so unlike myself. I remember being her age and thinking so many similar thoughts. I have actually grown a bit of an affection for Anne Frank. Shes a great protagonist and its incredible to glimpse through her eyes at a world I can hardly fathom, let alone understand. And she makes it all the realer, and thus more crushingly sad, along the way.

There are some people in this worl who think the book is fake, writte by Otto Frank, her father, as a way of validating the supposedly "False" holocaust. This is ridiculous, and holocaus deniers must seriously be drinking some strong koolaid. For gods sake, ther are phtographs and body counts. There are many many people still alive today who lived through it all, and saw the five chimineys of Auschwitz with their own eyes, who tasted typhus at Bergen and generally were treated as animals or a time. Its revolting to me to deny such a thing. Thie argument is that she writes at a level that the typical 13-15 year old girl in this time period would not be capable of. I think a better argument would be to deny the holocaust ever happened because it contradicts so many basic human truths, and leaves me absoulutly faithless in humanity. Theres no way something so grotesque, so disturbing and all encompassing that even still it evades my comprehension could have happend. Except it definetly did. so is it so unbelivable that a 14 year old girl could have cptured the actions of these monsters in an eloquent manner? I'll leave you to decide.

The attitude she has throughout the book is unbelivable. I dont know that I know anyone today who could see something beautiful in that type of darkness. Anne Frank, rest in peace. You are a beautiful person, and honestly, your diary is a testament, a shining hope for man kind. If a young girl can love and hope and wonder in times as dark as Holland, 1945, then maybe theres something worthwhile out there after all.

In the immortal words of Anne Frank- "Despite everything, I truly believe that people are really good at heart"

Tommorows post- A recap of a mindless day, followed by a discussion about birds. Or anything else.

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