Monday, September 22, 2008

Words as honey, words as venom

This post will not be long, or consist of what I usually write about. I dont have the time right now for all of that, but I do have the time for alittle something. so for you who wish to see the southern trip further explained, yuor going to have to wait until my next post, unfortunatly. more then likely, that means no Rant or Quote section this time either. Anyhow, I'll give a breif recap of ym day so far, and perhaps discuss some other things.

I woke up. Thats good. Went to clas, and didnt have anything to say unfortunatly. I feel liek deadweight showing up without having done the reading, like I'm wasting my time and the time of the professor and classmates. ultimatly I suppose I am (see: my p'rents) are paying for me to be here, and while that means I can pretty much not do anything as this is a service industry and is serving me, it also means that I should try to get the most bang-for-my-buck and experianc ethe most things I can, be that intellectually, socially, or what have you. so silence sucks, but it happened and won't ever again.

I had to buy a new book today for German history, so I went into town. It was easy enough to find, but tis such a ridiculous sham the way they overcharge you for books. I find it baosulutly disgusting, especcially ebcause I could get the book for free at the good ol' Wilmington Memorial Library. Anyhow, I saw this sweet journal in the store, so I decided to buy that as well. So far thats been the highlight of my day. It has lots of cool pictures on the front of ancient architecture, and I feel like some sort of bookish intellectual type writing in it. I don't really think im going to be using it as a tradtional journal, as I have this blog for that. The other journal, which I have named I WILL FILL YOU, is more for creative outlets. While reading in the library today, I wrote some poetry in it, and recanted a really stupid thing that happened this morning which I will elaborate on in a moment. I also storyboarded a short story I have committed myself to writing. When I finsih, yall can read it if you want. And you might.

Anyway, the ridiculous thing that happened to me, or happened near me thereby involving me. I was was walking back from class toward my car, when I hear the type of scream that the fabric of nightmares is consistant with. Blood curdling,e ct. i keep hearing it, so curiosity and perhaps a dash of altruism causes me to sort of hurry up and see. what I see sort of upset me. Theres a blind girl SCREAMING, screaming, on the side walk. She is flailing her cane around as if it were a weapon. I don't know why this is, but through her screams words start to form. The speacial transportation bus missed her, so now her roars will be her vindication! The bus will pay in the form of worried students and birds scattering off in fear. how ridiculous is this?

I'm sorry, but this is not pre-school, even though occasionally I wonder if perhaps I'm mistkaen and just at a resort of children. How can you, as a college student and thuis logically aged 17-24, think screaming after missing a bus is ok? I don't care whats wrong with you, its not the only thing. I understand that it means you can't go to class, but jesus. I thought a girl was being raped. I thought a girl was being murdered. And you missed the bus? Your ridiculous.

In other enws, I had a pretty killer conversation with my favorite professor, Prof. donson, this morning. I told him about Neutral Milk Hotel and how their lyrics are vaugly based on the European holocaust and anne Frank. It peaked his interest, and then he said he rememebred me from a few classes in the past. We caught up on some stuff, and he asked me to emailhim the songs later. So I guess I'm going to. Hes a cool guy, that Donson.

It's time for an embarrasing confession. Please, don't think any lessof me readers, becaus eI don't. I didnt choose this, but If I could have I probably would have. I am starting to become a rather big fan of Taylor Swift. Its not anything that can be helped, nor would I want you to. I basically know all her songs, and its basically awesome? Or something. I want to see ehr in November. anyone want to go?

I guess that blind girl casuing an uproar will be my rant for today, so now all I need to do is find a quote.


"I am intimidated by the idea of being average"- Taylor Swift.

I'm lame, I know.

more later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did Taylor actually say that? if so she is quite crazy.