Thursday, July 31, 2008

Why not something in imitation of poetry?!

I'm a little bored and need to fester up some creative juices from within. So I am going to write a poem, and it may or may not meet with your approval. this is entirely free thought, and I have not planned this at all. so here goes.

Title: Above and Below

In times of old when light shown proud
Refracted even on the sullen streams
to noble to bend, but flow as swift
Pebbles as stars upon its damp horizon
And dawn in the form of something bold
To wade and ripple, cause a tear
The fabric was not made to hold, but crack
And rip with every bestial want within

The beast is in the water and the world is under flame
As each paw print left marks a new and unique damnation
The muddy tracks a street map made slyly
Everything you need to know is here, except perspective
Everything you can perceive is there, except for truth
Perhaps there is no simpler answer then thus
The beast is in the water and the stream rushes by
And the pebbles in the stream as the stars on the horizon

Ursa major comes to play in this constellation in the brook
Orion's belt a hollow log, Sagittarius a keen eyed fawn
A shooting star, a skipping stone
The clouds overhead, the earth underfoot
Sometimes the spirit of the being exceeds the being itself
Your more then you think you are, or nothing still
The Universe is a lot bigger then we thought
The Universe is a lot smaller then we thought

And when all is done, a bear stands in a stream that rips and flows
We watch in idle awe, as the stars come out to greet us
Above and below

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