Sunday, August 3, 2008

Why is my head all bloody? And other fun memories of the weekend.

Hey readers. Its me again, your love able narrator of his own life, DH. Hope all of you are doing well, and if not I guess thats something you might want to work on. Honestly, fix yourself! No more tears, understood?

Anyway, as I detailed Thursday evening I was going on a camping trip from Friday to Sunday. All things seemed to be going alright when I woke up Friday morning, But I was unable to make it to Melrose to enjoy the Prince Pizza buffet I had been so looking forward to all week. Regardless, I soldiered on and just hung around until 1:30, when Jaclyn showed up. We proceeded to hang around and watch TV until about 2:15, at which point we drove over to Crescenzo's house, picked him up and began the long journey to North Conway. Crescenzo had not slept in a few days, so this led to many hilarious statements, mostly directed toward the quality of the trip and Jaclyn. She was probably getting a little upset about it, but honestly it was all in good fun. So were burning down the highway skyline into New Hampshire, past the cities of the state and into the great wild beyond. It was a long but enjoyable ride, and once you pass a certain point i NH, it really starts to get more primal and wild. I, for one, really love that. Its sort of like leaving the big lights of the city behind and going into the unknown for me, as I have always sort of felt like a country boy trapped in the world of a city kid.

We arrived at the camp ground after stopping at a 7-11/subway combo type deal in Conway to get some gas and some food. We tricked the clerks into thinking we were from Mexico, on a long long trip. If anyone has ever seen me, Jaclyn and crescenzo, its pretty obvious that we are not MExican, so I don't know how effective our plan was. I bought a delicious submarine sandwich, which I shared with JAclyn and she proceeded to spill all over herself. The mustard, that is. Another funny moment.

So we get to the camp ground and set up camp, and proceed to just sort of hang out for the night. We cook all sorts of food next to the campfire, and hang out with our fellow campers, Ryan, Jim, Mark, Pereira, Lauren, Mac Katelyn and Lane. We played this wacky and out of control sentence structure game. I know, wild kids, right? We all retired to our tents early, and tried to sleep. I found ti difficult as me and Mac were in rather close quarters, but we managed.

We were all pretty much awake by 7 in the morning, with some of us getting up much earlier. Breakfast was delicious marshmellows, pop tarts, hotdogs and other essential camping items. We filled our eager bellies and then set about to go to the river. Me, Ryan, Jim, Mark, Lauren and Katelyn all walked down there, intent on playing in the frigid waters of the north and perhaps getting sunburnt. It turned out to be a lot more interesting then that.

Ryan went down this "river slide", which is sort of like a waterslide over some rocks and along the currents way, up to this large rock that your supposed to grab onto. Me being the brave soul that I am followed him in this adventure, sliding amiably down the river, all smiles and joy. However, as I approached the big rock, I found I was out of range for it. I reached for it but couldent get it, and then Reached for Ryan, and couldent get him either. Next to these rocks, there were two small water falls on either side, about 5-6 feet drop. In my struggle to reach for the rock/Ryan, I had turned my self around, so I was facing the Waterfall. Head first. With nothing to grab onto. Mhm.

I went over the falls, clenched my chin to my body and just focused on surviving. There was a sharp pain on my head, the the churning and crushing pressure of the water above, then the peace of escaping the wake of the falls. I came to the surface, feeling alright if a bit dizzy, and made my way to a small rock wall to climb back over. My head started to really hurt, so I brought my hand up and felt my face. Blood. My hand was soaked in blood. I made my way to the top of the rock and looked at Ryan, and despite what he may say he was horrified to look back at me. apparently the entire right side of My face was covered in blood, and a deep cut had opened itself on the upper right hand side of my head, right next to my hairline. The blood was still dripping steadily down me, feeling my mouth and marking my chest. I was somewhat trapped on the rock edifice, and was unable to get over. I was losing blood steadily, and began to feel light headed and a little dizzy. After a considerable amount of exploring, I maneged to get over the river and back to the other side with my friends. People were staring at me as I made my way to find the nonexistent first aid center at this river. Luckily for me, there was a male nurse who was able to put some healing salves on it and badage it. Jim ran to the camp and crescnzo returned with jaclyns car, and Me, he, jaclyn and Mark made our way to the hospital.

2 hours, 8 stiches 1 very cute intern and a truly epic civil war stlye head wrap later, I left the hospital. They had told me expressly to keep the headwrap clean and dry, so camping was not looking like a very solid option. We hung around the camp for a few hours, taking lots of photos and just generally having a solid hang. I sensed heavy rains coming (perhaps the trauma has given me some sort of unbelievable super power) so Jaclyn, Crescenzo and I all hit the road. It was a long and dangerous ride home, through some of the most torrential rain and awe ispiring lightning storms I have ever witnessed. Eventually we arrived, and I took it easy, eating some yummy lasagna and cleaning myself off a bit. I eventually went over to the basement and played video game football with Pat. After that we watched this anime called Deathnote. it was pretty cool.

So, hows that for an action packed August 2nd? I'm going to finish my discussion from last blog, then start a new rant for this one now.

Rant continued: Country Music-- Ridiculous American ideology and self perception!

Alright, so I had talked about "America's music" country music previously in my last post. I talked about how its really generic and just like pop but marketed toward poor white people from the country. and it does very well for itself, thank you very much! It has a very powerful listener base and the top country music stars are among the nations most highly paid entertainers. There is nothing wrong with this so long as people are entertained by it, but really its more of a statement on how base the public standards for entertainment are. If songs about drinkin' yo self silly and burning down Georgia are enough to get you through the day, then thats fine for you, but shouldent be fine for everyone. People should hold themselves up to higher standards the that, I think so at least. Anyway, I'm getting off topic, so let me return to what I really want to say.

Country music, and those who listen to it, are something of an embarrassment to me. I don't mean any of you any personal affront, but honestly, do you believe what your music is teaching you? The hyper patriotism is ridiculous. Do you honestly and truly believe that your nation is always correct and infallible? Do you think that everything America does is for the best of its people, and the world as well? Let me explain exactly what I mean by all of this. The songs often have something of a glorification of the military engine, talking about how America is going to punish its enemies and continue to be the eagle on the perch over the world, soaking in the light from the sky and patrolling the of the place. In this hyper patriotic fervor (And by no means do I mean to say that country music is the sole party responsible for this type of thing. This whole complex is a major problem, but it is most readily made into a musical form in Country music) we became hyper ignorant, retreating into the turtle shell of Americana and forgetting that we are just one flavor in the soup of the world. We turn a blind eye to other cultures and focus only on our own, and through that our world view and narrowed into tiny slits, letting none of the glow of humanity in and only letting us see things from one perspective: our own. I suppose the song that states that "We will put a boot in your ass, its the American way" is correct in actuality. America's way, as articulated in recent history and through country music, is more of a rough and tumble attack first ask questions later attitude then it should be. Were more of a bar room brawler type then a diplomat willing to work things out. this philosophy concerning the rest of the world is damning to how we are viewed by our contemporaries. America is the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world, and is capable of doing a lot of good. A lot more then it realizes, or perhaps not, perhaps just more then its willing to commit to. By no means do I think we need to police the evil out of the world, as such a task needs to be shouldered equally by all the peoples of the world. but at the very least, realize there is more out there then just AMerica, we are not the end all be all. The world is, and we are but a people within it.

That rant went for a lot longer then expected. I guess I'll attempt my next one, but no promises as im a bit burnt out from all that above.

Rant: Fashion/Style- The mythology of modern day life?

I don't believe in fashion. There, its said. I don't understand it, I dont know how it works, and I am not in the least bit interested. How does one style of dressing go in and out of style? Ad how does a style of dressing develop? Is here some closed off office somewhere with a bunch of guys in suits and dark glasses sitting around, discussing diabolical ways to get their brands into power? Is it purely a farce used to make money, to trick people into buying things they dont need in order to become more accepted by their peers? Seems like it to me. Its not even a question of need, its just a question of have in order to appease. Anyone who knows me knows I dress pretty blandly, jeans and a t-shirt, usually white. Thats about it. I don't understand the need for much more. I dunno, if someone wants to educate me, feel free.

Quote of the day!!!

"It's a funny thing, luck. Seems the harder I work, the luckier I become"- Benjamin Franklin.

Till next time,


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